Data Acquisition



Using a pair of Xbee radios I was able to transmt accelerometer data between an arduino and my laptop. To visualise this data I used Unity to display a car model that moved in coordination with the motion of the accelerometer. I hope to impliment this into or vehicle to be able to recreate the motion and able to visualise what took place after the fact.


Engine Testing

In this instance I am using two Xbee radios to transmit rpm data from a sensor atatched to the enginel. This is so we are able to collect and record what the engine is doing throughout testing. 

Torque Test

I designed a device to attach to the output shaft of the gear box and throughout the drive train to try and measure output torque. This uses a break caliper to try and slow down the rotation of the shaft. By measuring the force that is required to hold the caliper in place we are able to calculate the torque to slow the engine down at different rpm effectively measuring output torque of our drive train.